Have you had a watermelon cocktail and wondered how they get that vibrant watermelon flavor? My best guess is they used Watermelon Simple Syrup. While it sounds fancy, Watermelon Simple Syrup is really easy to make at home with only two ingredients: watermelon and sugar. And unlike other simple syrups that require cooking, the cold, no-cook process for Watermelon Simple Syrup produces the best results. So you’ll stay cool in the kitchen while making this refreshing summertime treat. It’s perfect for cocktails, mocktails, ice tea, lemonade, baking and even drizzled over fruit salads.

Why No-Cook and Waiting 24-Hours?
While a lot of watermelon simple syrup recipes require cooking with instant results, making No-cook Watermelon Simple Syrup ensures you get the freshest watermelon flavor. Cooking fruit alters it’s flavor, especially with watermelon. Think of watermelon candy. While you might enjoy it, it doesn’t really taste like watermelon. Therefore, I think it’s worth the 24-hour wait time to make the no-cook syrup.

- 4 cups cubed watermelon
- 1 cup sugar
Cut your watermelon into small pieces. Place your watermelon (about 4 cups) in a large jar. Add sugar. Stir and muddle lightly to start the process. You’ll see the sugar immediately start to breakdown the watermelon into a liquid. (Science is amazing!). Seal your jar and refrigerate for about 24 hours. Next, strain your liquid through a fine mesh sieve. Pour liquid into a bottle or air-tight container. No-cook Watermelon Simple Syrup can be stored in the refridgerator for up to 10 days.

I made my Watermelon Simple Syrup to use in a Basil Watermelon Martin (recipe to come). You can also check out my other Infused Simple Syrup recipes.